If  you want to get a very mild taste of what it might possibly be like to ride a racehorse at the track, may I suggest riding a Thoroughbred who’s had several days off due to rain! Not that I would know from personal experience what it’s like to ride a racehorse on the track, I’m merely speculating.

Awkward jumps in photo, but cute pony!

Awkward jumps in photo, but cute pony! Carey and Knight.

This past weekend I had the pleasure of seeing my blogging buddy from San Diego, Carey from Me Jump Pretty One Day ride Knight! I hopped on for about 30 minutes worth of laps around the racetrack arena.

The footing was pretty wet still (thank you, El Nino) and I have a bit of a phobia about slipping and falling when arena surfaces are sketchy. I realize that my fear is probably unfounded because the two times I’ve fallen as a result of the horse I was riding falling down, the footing conditions were actually quite good.

At any rate, after I was basically a passenger on a fresh TB, Carey got on and rode him like nobody’s business. It was fun to see her ride in person and also fun to watch someone else parade around on the beast.

I’m completely biased, but I do think he’s maturing into an adorable mount! Still a work in progress, but aren’t we all?

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  1. Jodi January 13, 2016 at 11:05 am - Reply

    He’s lovely!

  2. emma January 13, 2016 at 12:49 pm - Reply

    he really is so handsome! glad you and Carey had fun with him 🙂

  3. draftmare January 14, 2016 at 4:34 am - Reply

    Its nice to get to watch other people ride your horse once in a while. I enjoy seeing how my mare moves since what sometimes I think feels great doesn’t always look great, and I can work on fixing that.

  4. carey January 14, 2016 at 8:36 am - Reply

    Aw, you’re not giving yourself enough credit! You rode out the “crazy” and warmed him up. I just got on and was able to ask him to work a bit more, which he did happily. He’s a cool horse 🙂

  5. Erin January 15, 2016 at 5:46 am - Reply

    What a gorgeous boy! So cool that you guys got to meet up.

  6. Tracy - Fly On Over January 15, 2016 at 12:33 pm - Reply

    I love when bloggers get the chance to meet and ride each other’s horses!! So cool

    • Susan Friedland-Smith January 16, 2016 at 5:46 pm - Reply

      It’s so cool to blog. I never would have met and become friends with Carey otherwise. And we’re only a little over an hour away from each other.

  7. KateRose January 17, 2016 at 8:40 pm - Reply

    He’s so handsome!!! How fun that Carey was able to go for spin 🙂

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Photo of Susan with her horse Knight

I'm Susan and this is my horse Knight. We have been a blogging team since 2015 and we're glad you're here. Tally ho!

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