When I was a little girl, I kept asking God for a horse. It took many years to answer that prayer, but I finally was granted my request at the age of 15 when I got my first horse, a chestnut Quarter Horse gelding named Daytona.

Flash forward decades and I’m praying for a horse again.

It’s a different prayer this time. Instead of, “God, help me to get a horse,” it’s “God, please heal my horse.”Praying for a Horse

So that bout of colic that happened on Thanksgiving happened again on Sunday. And the vet came out. Knight’s temperature was normal (I took it before the vet arrived and it wasn’t as bad as giving the Banamine injection on Thanksgiving). He had glorious bowel movements, but he kept trying to lie down.

I didn’t witness the lying down behavior. In fact, when I was out Sunday morning, Knight seemed completely normal. I rode him and he was fine. But I got a text later in the afternoon that he was not right.

The vet checked for sand in Knight’s manure and said there was a little but not much. She mentioned he might have ulcers, a stone or something else going on in his gut.

Today (Monday) I received notification that Knight was trying to lie down again. (I saw him at 6 a.m. when I placed a sign on his stall “Please feed only 1/2 of his hay today per vet’s orders.” He seemed happy and normal at 6.)

My vet came back to see Knight, I rushed to get coverage for my one afternoon class. My trainer and vet had a conversation while I was teaching and after talking to my trainer I said I wanted to take him to the ER so he could be under their watchful eyes 24/7.

Long story short, he was scoped and he does have mild ulcers (which I suspected), no stones (which is good), but his intestine had flipped around. I was charging my cell phone in the ER lobby and when the doctor came out to tell me how the exam went, he laid out my cord in a large U shape and then turned it and said this is what happened to his intestine.

As of now (9 p.m. California) he is not going to proceed with surgery, instead Knight has an IV and is receiving about 20 gallons of fluids (not sure exactly what all the fluids are, but good medicine). The vet said about 80% of the time with this treatment the intestine goes back to the normal position.

Best case scenario Knight will be in the hospital for three days (no surgery, fluids work). Worst case is colic surgery and a ten day stay.

The good news is I really, really liked the ER vet. He was personable and explained things in an easy-to-understand way. He spent a long time talking to me and we talked about everything from cribbing (which Knight does and I asked if it could be related) to equine dentists to kitchen sinks.

His illustration was that when your kitchen sink gets clogged, it slows down but still works, but just not like it’s supposed to–until you use Drano. So the IV is like the Drano for Knight’s intestines.

The vet said Knight will tell him if he needs surgery. He said Knight knows what’s wrong, but since he can’t talk, we’ve got to do the figuring out. So tonight I will sleep with my ringer on because I might get a call asking for consent for surgery.

I pray the phone doesn’t ring and I sleep through until my alarm Tuesday morning.

And I pray that Knight will be okay.

Comments: Have you ever prayed for an animal? Thoughts, comments, anecdotes?

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  1. Mary November 30, 2015 at 9:50 pm - Reply

    Hi Susan! I pray for animals and for everything else in my life and in the world every single day. I believe with everything I am that Prayer really is the only answer in this crazy world, and it is extremely effective. I pray to God and his son Jesus and the blessed mother. They say that is the quickest route to her son. However mostly these days I pray to St Martin of Tours who is the patron saint of horses and horsemen and women. My 13 year ole daughter just got her first horse so St Martin and I are in daily contact!:). Get him involved in overseeing Knight. I will be praying for you both. Best of luck!

    • Susan Friedland-Smith November 30, 2015 at 10:08 pm - Reply

      Thanks, Mary. I agree with you about prayer being the answer. I had not heard of St. Martin of Tours. I checked him out on Wikipedia. 🙂 Congratulations to you and your daughter.

  2. Brittney November 30, 2015 at 9:55 pm - Reply

    I truly hope your horse is okay! Sending positive thoughts your way! -Brittney

  3. KateRose November 30, 2015 at 9:56 pm - Reply

    Sending prayers to your boy! Hope the “drano” makes him all better. It sounds like he is in great hands.

  4. Holybull79 November 30, 2015 at 10:55 pm - Reply

    Fingers and toes and everything possible crossed that you will have a happy and healed pony. And prayers! Always prayers.

  5. Nicole Sharpe November 30, 2015 at 10:59 pm - Reply

    I don’t pray, but I do cross my fingers. Sounds like you got Knight the best of care right when it could be most helpful. So, fingers and toes crossed

  6. heccateisis December 1, 2015 at 3:18 am - Reply

    Sending prayers and wishes for a quick recovery.

  7. Rodney's Saga December 1, 2015 at 4:01 am - Reply

    🙁 Keep us posted.

  8. The Exquisite Equine December 1, 2015 at 4:04 am - Reply

    Sounds like Knight is in good hands! I will be keeping you and Knight in my thoughts!!

  9. Amanda December 1, 2015 at 4:07 am - Reply

    Oh, I am so sorry. I will keep you both in my thoughts. Colic is the most terrifying part of being a horse owner, I think.

  10. Liz Goldsmith December 1, 2015 at 4:27 am - Reply

    Oh no! I’m so sorry that the mild colic you’d described has turned into something more serious. It sounds like you’ve been right on top of it and that you have good vet care. Fingers and toes crossed that Knight feels better ASAP and that surgery isn’t necessary.

  11. Abby December 1, 2015 at 4:51 am - Reply

    Poor Knight! And poor you! Sounds like he’s in excellent hands though, so here’s hoping the horsey drano does the trick. Best wishes and sending you prayers from MA!

  12. Erin December 1, 2015 at 5:16 am - Reply

    Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear this. I don’t pray but I do believe in the power of positivity. Sending you all the happy thoughts! I hope you were able to sleep through the night.

  13. Eva December 1, 2015 at 6:49 am - Reply

    Praying for Knight’s speedy recovery, poor guy! Have faith all will be well!

  14. Hillary H. December 1, 2015 at 6:55 am - Reply

    Thinking about you and Knight. Hope this resolves without surgery.

  15. Alanna December 1, 2015 at 7:00 am - Reply

    Praying in Oregon.

  16. kalinann December 1, 2015 at 7:17 am - Reply

    Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear about this! I’m praying for him, too! I most definitely believe in the power of prayer and I’ve put it to use for several of my animals. Goodness knows I’m an anxious freak and say quite a few prayers for my horse.

  17. Amy December 1, 2015 at 7:27 am - Reply

    Oh my dear friend! I love this ER surgeon you have. I love that he feels Knight will tell him if he needs surgery. I’ve prayed for my sick animal friends, of course. My mother has as well, can you imagine? Praying for a little kitty? Chloe has three chronic illnesses. Once, when it was really bad and we discovered she had one more illness I thought we were going to have to put her down. I looked into her little face, tears in my eyes and asked her if it was her time…she told me no… I’m sure I made that up…but the vet told me her illnesses were manageable. And she’s in wonderful spirits. It was the answer I was hoping for…I’ll be doing the same for Knight. He’s a magnificent creature. I love this photo of the two of you…

    • Susan Friedland-Smith December 1, 2015 at 8:35 am - Reply

      I didn’t know Chloe was so sick (I’m glad you made up her “no!”). Poor kitty.Thanks for reading and following along even though you’re not a total horse nerd. I miss you and would love to see you soon.

      • Amy December 16, 2015 at 5:26 pm

        Me too, my dear! You’re an inspiration.

  18. wendy December 1, 2015 at 8:25 am - Reply

    So sorry to hear about Knight’s troubles. Wishing for his recovery.

  19. heartofhope10 December 1, 2015 at 10:36 am - Reply

    Sending you all the best wishes for a healthy horse ASAP. Hugs to you in this stressful time!

  20. Jodi December 1, 2015 at 11:11 am - Reply

    Sending prayers that Knight gets all lined out and doesn’t need surgery. Hugs to you, I know how horrible it is to have your horse go through something like this.

  21. Liz Goldsmith December 1, 2015 at 7:23 pm - Reply

    Checking in to see if you have good news for us! Hoping Knight is feeling better.

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Photo of Susan with her horse Knight

I'm Susan and this is my horse Knight. We have been a blogging team since 2015 and we're glad you're here. Tally ho!

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