The One in Which We Ride in a Cross Country Clinic
Photo by Emily of May As Well Event If you had told me this time last year I would ride in a cross country clinic at Galway Downs, the premier showgrounds across the street from where I board, I would have laughed at you and said something teenager-ish [...]
Knight Moves to a New Barn
Susan: "Knight, we're moving today! Man my wraps look bad. Outta practice!" [...]
Moving to a New Stable Closer to Home
"When we're done, I need to talk to you." My heart sank when my trainer [...]
Communicating With My Trainer: Texts v. Voicemails
In the four months I've now had Knight, I've learned something about communicating with my [...]
Say “Yes!” to the Abscess
Thank you to everyone who has taken an interest in the health and well-being of [...]