The Ride of Her Life Book Review
The Ride of Her Life: the True Story of a Woman, Her Horse, and Their Last-Chance Journey Across America by Elizabeth Letts is the feel-good travel/adventure story we all need now. Thank you to the author for gifting me a review copy of The Ride of Her Life. This post [...]
Gift Ideas for the Horse Lover $40 and Under
Horses are expensive, but gifts for the hard core horse lover don’t have to be! If [...]
Of Good News and Good
Good news! Knight's trifecta of ulcers, gas distension, and "leathery" intestines (i.e., inflamed) which I [...]
Colicky Knight Update
Thank you for all the warm thoughts, well wishes, prayers, fingers crossed, etc. Knight is [...]
Praying for a Horse
When I was a little girl, I kept asking God for a horse. It took [...]