The Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit: Behind the Scenes Interview
I can't believe I had never seen the movie The Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit before! My friend and I had a horse girls movie night the other night and she said this was her favorite, then shared her friend actually had a role as an extra! I reached [...]
Riding After the Rain
If you want to get a very mild taste of what it might possibly be [...]
Fitbit for Horseback Riding: Fun Facts & Features
Do you own a Fitbit and wear it when horseback riding? I received a Fitbit for my birthday [...]
Meeting Tiznow
A personal highlight from 2015 was meeting Knight's sire Tiznow while I was in Kentucky [...]
My Thoroughbred’s Ulcers
For those of you on pins and needles wondering how my Thoroughbred's ulcers are after [...]