Oak Brook Polo: a Sunday Equestrian Getaway
Due to my recent interest in polo and the fun I'm having taking lessons from Go Polo, I went to Oak Brook Polo Club with some horsey friends to drink in the inspiration. The ponies galloping, players walloping the ball, setting it aflight, and the fashionable polo fans made for [...]
Sox Trot Equestrian Socks, a Perfect Partner for Your Tall Boots
There's a sock shop on the block (actually Internet) with myriad styles and funky prints perfectly [...]
Celebrate the Kentucky Derby all Year Long and Make a New Best Friend
The Kentucky Derby is touted as the “most exciting two minutes in sports” and annually [...]
Fitbit for Riding in Horse Illustrated
Did you devour horse magazines when you were young? I sure did. I read Practical [...]
Dear Saddle, It’s Not Me It’s You
I decided to break up with my saddle and I am now making it public. [...]