Ororo Heated Vest Review
It's quite a contrast--riding in winter in Southern California versus the Midwest! When Knight and I packed our bags to head to Chicagoland this past summer, I dreaded the cruel temperatures and endless months of circle riding in an indoor arena. However, with my Ororo Heated Vest, the cold climate [...]
Hope for Dealing with My Horse’s EOTRH
The day I learned my horse Knight's puppy-like chewing behaviors were because of EOTRH, I posted [...]
My Horse Has EOTRH (What on Earth!?)
Knight has been acting different lately. Instead of behaving like a somewhat gentlemanly gelding, he [...]
Why You Should Give Compliments on Twitter (& In Person)
I had no idea my less-than-one minute social media share and 30 second conversation with [...]
Beta Biothane Halter from Two Horse Tack
Do you wish your tack and dog gear were machine washable with flashy custom colors, and supported Thoroughbred [...]