10 Tips for Riding Your Own Horse on the Beach
Every horse girl dreams of racing her trusty steed at the ocean's foamy shore. Earlier this summer I found out two friends, Raquel (@horsesandheels_) and Isabelle (@modernequestrian) were heading to the beach for the first time with their own horses. I thought this was exciting, and asked to tag along. [...]
It All Started With A Red Doberman Rescue
12 Days of Rescue: A Doberman Rescue Named Winnie Around this time of year nine [...]
1982 Letter to Santa
I never really remember believing in Santa Claus. Thus when my mom, who's big on [...]
Check for Horse
Check for Horse A few days ago my email inbox contained a new [...]
Shear Will
Love this story! (Thanks Equine Ink for bringing it to my attention.) I teach about [...]