Strands of Hope: How to Grieve the Loss of a Horse (Behind the Scenes)
I had grand plans for a book launch for my second release, Strands of Hope, a book about how to grieve a horse, but they never came to fruition for various reasons. I schemed about doing a Facebook Live. I thought about having a giveaway--but then I realized, "Who wants [...]
Malibu Trail Ride
My darling niece from Illinois and I went on a trail ride when she and [...]
Winter in California: A Trip to the Huntington Garden
When I'm not teaching, commuting or obsessing over horses, I enjoy gardens--especially those of other [...]
How to Write Horse in Chinese
This week many families in my school's community will be reveling in the festivities of [...]
5 Dance Tips that Will Improve Your Horseback Riding
Do riding and dancing go hand in hand? I think so! Lately, I've discovered 5 [...]