One of the highlights of the equestrian shopping season is Mary’s Annual Tent Sale and this year did not disappoint. The sale was actually the first weekend in March and I have been meaning to post what I scored earlier, but right after my Mary’s tack haul I got the flu and then it rained and after that Knight was back sore. I’ve ridden Knight I think one time in the last month. More on Knight’s situation and highlights on his new feeding program based on my consultation with a nutritionist in different posts when I have more concrete info.

My Mary’s Tent Sale Haul. Not pictured are the buffalo horns.

To make the already fun experience even better, I got to do a little retail therapy with fellow SoCal horse bloggers Carey, Lauren and Alex during my tack haul at Mary’s Tack and Feed. It’s always a bonus to have understanding horse pals around to help convince you further how you NEED certain items. And we had lunch afterward and talked about horses. You get the idea of how fun it was.

Tangent: Have you heard about my Instagram Giveaway of one Arlo the Fox T-shirt by Huntsmen and Hounds? If you are reading this Monday, April 2, 2018 before midnight in California and you have not yet entered my latest Instagram giveaway, click here to see the easy entry info.

1. Coopersridge Sheepskin Half Pad

The item I’m most excited about is my new shimmable half pad by Coopersridge. The gentleman behind this innovative half pad had a table set up near the saddle department at Mary’s and I spent about 20 minutes asking him question after question to find out what made his half pad superior to my old standby–my Mattes pad.

The inventor of the Coopersridge pad convinced me that I needed to give this pad a shot. He designed it out of a need for his own horses which he competes in high level dressage (can’t remember the exact level) and 1.50 meter jumpers. I like that he is a horseman himself and he solved a problem that wasn’t addressed by items already on the market.

The most interesting part to me about this pad is that it does not have seams that lay against the horse’s spine. And I really liked how my saddle felt when I used it on my quick post-rain ride the other day.

Since I have only ridden with it once and do not have enough information to provide a full-fledged product review in which I talk about its unique features, I’ll do a review post in the future. Stay tuned.

Funny story: when I showed this new pad to hubby I had him feel the middle part where the pad would rest along Knight’s spine and how there was no obtrusive seam, then I showed him my Mattes pad and had him feel the seam. I said, “Can you imagine that seam pressing down on Knight’s back? I mean that’s like the Princess and the Pea for a sensitive Thoroughbred,” and I was thrilled when hubby said, “That’s terrible.” I don’t know if he realizes it, but I viewed his proclamation as a blessing of my new purchase.

By buying the sheepskin pad I got the white half pad as a liner for free. It is not your typical pad because the wither area is arched. More on that in my future blog post. 

2. New and Improved (with Removable Liner) Charles Owen Riding Helmet

I ride in an Ovation schooling helmet, but my nice helmet reserved for shows is a Charles Owen. Last October during the wildfires, my Charles Owen was in my tack trunk that got charred and I called the company to see what they thought of the safety factor since the helmet looks fine. They recommended replacing since they could not guarantee that the helmet’s integrity was intact based on having been in such a high heat situation. Which is a good thing because the smell is pretty terrible. Like a sour bonfire smell. I needed a new one. Click here to see what remained of our tackroom thanks to Canyon Fire 2 last October. 

I tried on several other models of lovely riding helmets such as Samshield, Kask and One-K, but the Charles Owen just fits my particular noggin the best. What is interesting is that the round helmet with the new removable liner was perfect for me even though I actually have an oval shaped head. Go figure.

The Charles Owens weren’t on sale which was a bummer, but safety first.

3. Real Women Ride No Knot Hair Nets

And what could be better to pair with your new riding helmet than new hair nets? I really dig these hairnets because I have abandoned my ponytail holder and have less of a problem with headaches and feeling like a ponytail holder is boring into my scalp. (Hat tip to Carey from Me Jump Pretty One Day. She told me that I should have two hair nets and alternate them when I ride, thereby increasing their lifespan.)

The hair nets were 20% off. 

4. Kastel Zip Up Jacket with Fleece Lining

I love all my Kastel shirts and when Carey pointed the jacket out to me on the deep discounts rack, said she has it, loves it and wears it places other than the barn because it’s cute, I had to try it on. I could not get over how it felt like pajamas because of the very soft lining. It has a streamlined look to it and is sporty. 

I’m sad to say that I threw it in the laundry last week and there was one red polo shirt and the white along the sleeves and collar of this Kastel is not nearly as white as it was when I first bought it. The red polo shirt has been washed but apparently is still bleeding and the life lesson here is wash read separately kids.

The Kastel jacket was about 50% off.

5. What I Got for the Pups for 20% Off

I had to get some special items for the dogs so they wouldn’t feel left out. They are currently crushing on The Honest Kitchen’s Smooches Bite-Size Cookies, chicken and cranberry recipe. The treats are nice because you can break them in half easily and they’re shaped like little hearts. They are not messy if you wanted to shove some in your pocket to take along on a walk.

I also bought two bully horns. The grass-fed, free-range water buffalo horns did not have a smell and my dogs loved them, but I was thinking they would be like deer antlers and would not produce much of a mess. But as of right now I have several black spots in my office carpeting that I’m going to have to shampoo to get out because my Doberman enjoyed her horn in the house.

What I Didn’t Buy

I didn’t buy a new Golden Retriever puppy that I saw in the check out line because her owners were not selling her. I also didn’t buy this new prototype of a Stubben hunter saddle because it wasn’t for sale and I already have a saddle.

I was about to purchase a new pitchfork but had second thoughts about driving 70 miles with a pitchfork in my face in case there was an accident. I will just wait until we move back to our barn and get one from a local tack shop in Orange County and pay full price.

Stay tuned for more information about my Coopersridge half pad because I think it’s a very cool product and I can’t wait to try it out more so I can share the details.

Leave a Comment: Do you yourself post or do you enjoy reading/watching tack haul blogs or videos? If so, leave a link to one of your tack haul posts OR recommend an account for us to follow that has interesting tack hauls. Thanks!

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Photo of Susan with her horse Knight

I'm Susan and this is my horse Knight. We have been a blogging team since 2015 and we're glad you're here. Tally ho!

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