My friend’s senior pitbull appeared a little on the rickety side, when I first met her. She maneuvered slowly with lowered haunches. My initial impression was that she was a reserved old lady who kept to herself. After being introduced to LubriSyn HA, the senior dog had improved agility (she went from no longer being able to jump onto the couch, to jumping on the couch again) and a perkier demeanor. How did this all occur?
This is not a sponsored blog post, simply ruminations on a supplement.
Prior to the pandemic, there was a chance meeting at the Horse Expo in Pomona, California. My pitbull-owning friend was a vendor, and her booth was across the aisle from the LubriSyn booth. I had a chance to meet the marketing rep for LubriSynHA and talk at length about the product. I had never heard of it before and I wanted to know more. That’s when I learned LubriSynHA is all-natural and has no side-effects.
I found out at the time, Stephan Peters had been a loyal customer for about a decade and that the man who created the supplement, is an equine veterinarian specializing in lameness and sports medicine. His regular horse clients were a lineup of elite Thoroughbreds. The founder of LubriSyn developed the product based on his insights into what horses need. The product line now incorporates dogs and humans too.
LubriSynHA for Dogs
My friend bought a 30-day supply of the canine LubriSynHA in a large squeeze bottle and was told her dog’s arthritis symptoms might subside in as few as 7-10 days. The liquid supplement really enhanced her pitbull’s quality of life. I could tell because I used to dog sit her when my friend traveled. She had more vim and vigor while on the LubriSynHA as she became more engaged in connecting with me. There was more pep in her old lady step.
LubriSynHA is a liquid supplement featuring Hyaluronic Acid (HA) which is bio-identical to the synovial fluid found in our joints. According to the company, the “science surpasses many of the available products on the market, especially glucosamine and chondroitin, and is much safer than many prescriptions.”
LubriSynHA can be taken preventatively–to improve the quality of joints and help prevent later damage.
LubriSynHA for People
As we packed up my friend’s booth, the LubriSynHA rep packed up hers. She offered me the testers used for the day. I started taking them thinking, “I don’t really have any arthritis or chronic pain, but I’ll do it as preventative.”
I had sort of forgotten about my right ankle and knee that intermittently bothered me. Occasionally when I would ride, I’d get a twinge of pain as I tried putting my heels down deep. I blamed it on a decade of commuting an hour to work one way, navigating Los Angeles freeways.
I took the supplement faithfully until life circumstances required me to move three times in less than three years–I simply got out of the habit. However, my 82 year old mother who golfs, walks the neighborhood and does water aerobics has been taking LubriSyn daily for the past few years. She said, “I have no aches and pains.”
As a result of my reading this blog post in its draft state to my 80-something year old aunt who has osteopenia, she is about to try the supplement to see if it helps with the pain in her hands and elbows. I’m excited to see what the outcome is.
I have not tried the supplement on my horse Knight, but I might do so in the future. Over the last few years I have recommended the product to people with older dogs and to people with aches and pains. If you read the reviews, you’ll see a pattern of people who said it diminishes their pain or it has helped their dogs. My conclusion is it might help and is worth a try. What do you think?
Thank you for reading and tally ho!
Your Turn: What is your go-to supplement for yourself or your animals? Have you tried LubriSyn before?
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Trot along with my sweet OTTB Knight and me over on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.
I tried LubriSyn for my own aches and pains, especially hoping it would help the arthritis I have in my thumbs. Sadly, it didn’t help I took it for a few months. That’s not to say it wouldn’t work; it just doesnt work for what is hurting me. What’s helped me more is high potency curcumin (tumeric). The one that has worked best for me is Omax HydroCurc Turmeric Curcumin Softgels. I’ve not tried LubriSyn on my horses yet.
That’s so interesting about the curcumin. Thanks for sharing. I just saw my 86-year old aunt yesterday and she said her hip feels better. So I guess some things work for some people and other things work for others.
I may have to try this, I have horrible arthritis in my foot and practically killed it jumping into a pool, now I’m limping around. Worth a try!!
You’re too young for arthritis! Definitely worth a try!