Friday I got a call from my trainer right at the end of my school day. She had ridden Knight that morning and he was wonderful.  She went home, came back late afternoon and Knight had a gash on his left loin and a deep cut on his left hind, right above the coronet band.

I couldn’t believe on my one week anniversary with my new horse, we were already going to have the vet out!

I said something like, “I hope this horse is not accident prone.” She said it was too early to tell and he was eating fine and did not seem sick, just scraped.  She speculated he got cast and then banged himself trying to get up.

My heart sank with the word “cast.” That was the second time. It sank earlier in our conversation as she started telling me there was something wrong, the word “colic” shot through my mind.

“Do I need to switch him to a box stall? Maybe that’s what he’s used to.” She said maybe.

Here’s the picture she sent me via text. Sorry it’s so gruesome (said for the purposes of my sister who can’t handle blood).

new horse

Ouch! Poor baby!

The good news is the vet came out, gave him some antibiotics and pain killer and heavy duty medicine to put on the sore.  No stitches. Too close to the coronet band.  The vet said to hand walk him for a few days. She also said she was not worried about him.

So right now Knight is looking pretty spiffy with his purple bandage. He got the weekend off which was probably just as well.  It’s been in the 90s and 100s.

new horse

Duct tape. So practical for so many purposes!

Saturday night after a dinner at our favorite Cuban restaurant, a quick drive over to Newport Beach to see the sunset, and a frozen yogurt dessert, the hubby and I headed to the barn to check in our our latest addition.

Knight was definitely excited by the bag of carrots. I think he enjoyed our walk, but he is still so quiet I don’t know if he was bored and just a good sport.

new horse

Mark wanted to show him a hockey fight that turned into a high five. I don’t think Knight enjoyed it.

After we walked him around in the empty dressage arena, we took him back to his stall. The neighbor horse nickered at him. I’m still learning all the neighbors, but I think the one who nickered is a gaited horse that is in his early 30s.

I’ve been debating what to do about his stall. I think the pipe corrals so common in California are kind of weird. I’m used to them now since I’ve lived here so long. Nothing compares to a nice box stall and then half or all-day turnout like what my previous horse had in Illinois. I feel like a 24 x 24 pipe corral is the lesser of the evils. The evils being that where I live, there are no pastures and you have to turn out in the arena or a round pen yourself (or pay someone to do it for you).

There is a 12 X 24 indoor stall available. The sides are metal, however. As my trainer noted, if he had been cast in that stall it could have really hurt/cut his legs.

The more I think about it, the more I’m inclined to keep him where he is. We don’t know for sure what happened. Would he have really laid down in the middle of the day in close to 100 degree weather? Could a neighbor horse have bitten him and that’s why he has the mark on his loin and maybe he stepped funny on his own hoof?

The good news is that he had scratches. Not scratches like what happens when a cat swipes at you. But horse scratches. It’s a skin problem on the ankles or pasterns. It’s like bumpy scabs.

Anyway, he had scratches on his hind legs when he came to us. My trainer has a magic potion she swears by that is supposed to get rid of it in just a few days. She’s been treating his rear ankles. Long story short, Knight’s been having both back legs wrapped in standing wraps with the white fluffy wraps underneath (the name is escaping me now–same as you use for shipping).  So even though he got an owie on his hind, it might have been worse if he had not been wearing his protective wraps for scratches.

Thank God for scratches!

I saw him today and he was excited about the carrots again. I think he’s going to be just fine.

new horse

Still working on the perfect selfie. Bad outdoor arena lighting. Too hot to see horse during the day.

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  1. Rodney's Saga October 6, 2014 at 3:39 am - Reply


  2. dorothychiotti October 6, 2014 at 4:52 am - Reply

    To me it looks like your boy corked himself. Mine did the same thing playing in the paddock a few years ago. It healed fine but the hoof grows in funny in that area of his coronet band so that now there’s a narrow raised ridge that runs down that part of his foot. He was never lame on it. If I recall I blue sprayed the wound to keep it dry and the bugs away until it healed. … Horses will be horses and who knows how they get themselves into such predicaments. If you’ve only had him a week it might simply be a matter of him settling into his new routine. These things happen. I hope you have many wonderful years with your new boy.

    • Susan Friedland-Smith October 6, 2014 at 9:19 am - Reply

      I wondered about that–if his hoof would grow out funny. What do you mean by “corked himself?” I am not familiar with that terminology. I hope he settles in and thank you for the well wishes. 🙂

      • dorothychiotti October 6, 2014 at 4:17 pm

        If he has corks on his shoes and reared or stepped on himself in a fit of whatever, he may have landed on that coronet band with one of those corks and that hole would have been the result. … Bear’s has healed but there is that ridge that has grown down his hoof from the point of impact. It doesn’t bother him (or me) at all.

  3. nbohl October 6, 2014 at 6:18 am - Reply

    Hope that Knight feels better soon!

  4. heartofhope10 October 6, 2014 at 6:54 am - Reply

    Aww poor guy! Hope he’s all healed up and ready to go for you in a few days. And hey, having the vet out is like an induction ceremony of sorts, right? You are officially an owner!

  5. carey October 6, 2014 at 9:45 am - Reply

    Ouch. Sorry you had to deal with an injury so early into your ownership, but at least it was something minor and you can bond while you take care of him.

    • Susan Friedland-Smith October 6, 2014 at 3:35 pm - Reply

      He’s starting to walk over when he sees me. Does he love me or just know that I have carrots? Hmmm. . . .

      • carey October 6, 2014 at 3:58 pm

        I ask myself the same thing about Cosmo. Either way they have good associations with us. 🙂

  6. firnhyde October 6, 2014 at 10:41 am - Reply

    I’d had my horse for three minutes when he ran through two fences and cut up his nose, flank and leg. I feel your pain!
    My mare had a similar injury to Knight’s, except hers was slightly lower – a little hole right in the top of the hoof itself. She was dead lame for a couple days and sound within the week. The hoof did have a weird little dent/mark in it, which took about ten months to grow out, but it didn’t hurt her and the hoof is normal now. Good luck, get well soon handsome Knight!

    • Susan Friedland-Smith October 6, 2014 at 3:35 pm - Reply

      Okay. You’re giving me perspective. Thank you! How did your mare get the hole? Is it from a shoe? So odd. I can’t figure it out.

      • firnhyde October 6, 2014 at 8:52 pm

        I also have no idea how she did it! She was in a safe paddock and didn’t have any other marks on her. I guess it was just one of those things…

  7. kweissc October 6, 2014 at 12:08 pm - Reply

    i somehow think that horses have a secret code…..they all get hurt within days of us buying them…..ahhhh, they want to see if we ‘love’ them. He’ll be fine. 🙂 hugs. 🙂

  8. Lauren October 6, 2014 at 3:50 pm - Reply

    But now you’re a real horse owner again because he’s bringing in the worry and vet bills! For what it’s worth, the CA boarding situation seems to suck all around. I did research in the silicone valley area and the options for stalls/turnout were all poopy. Hard situation to be in!

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Photo of Susan with her horse Knight

I'm Susan and this is my horse Knight. We have been a blogging team since 2015 and we're glad you're here. Tally ho!

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